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"“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, so far from my cries of anguish? My God, I cry out by day, but you do not answer, by night, but I find no rest.” (Psalm 22:1–2, NIV)


These words, spoken by David in deep distress, were later cried out by Jesus on the cross. In His greatest suffering, Jesus experienced the agony of feeling aban- doned. If the Son of God could bring His pain honestly before the Father, so can we.
There are moments in life when God may feel distant—when prayers seem unan- swered, and suffering feels unbearable. But Scripture reminds us that even in our deepest pain, God has not truly forsaken us. Jesus endured separation so that we would never have to. When we bring our struggles to God with honesty, He meets us with His presence, grace, and love.


Challenge: What pain or doubt do you need to bring before God today? Trust that He hears you, even in silence.


Prayer: Lord, when I feel alone or unheard, remind me that You are near. Help me
to bring my pain honestly before You and trust in Your unfailing love. Amen."